
BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum > E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Powertrain and Drivetrain Discussions > N54 Turbo Engine / Drivetrain / Exhaust Modifications - 335i > They're back...Mis-fires again....

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      10-12-2009, 01:01 AM   #1
Brigadier General

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They're back...Mis-fires again....

The continuing saga of my mis-fire woes. So I have been constantly getting intermittent mis-fires from Cylinders 4-5-6. I have gone through 3 sets of plugs, I moved coil packs, but the mis-fires stayed on the same cylinders, I also got a bank 2 o2 sensor issue. I also replaced this o2 sensor and everything worked great for about 2 weeks... Brought to the dealer and got all six injectors and yet another set of plugs, and everything worked great 1 week...Then yesterday...Mis-fires on freeway and again...O2 sensor code for bank 2 precat sensors and mis-fire on 4-5-6.

Here's the interesting part, is that I only get these mis-fires when I have a tuned installed this occured on both the GIAC and PROcede tunes. On the freeway yesterday I pulled out the PROcede and everything runs smooth, NOTE: same issue with the GIAC too.

Looks like I am bringing the car back yet again...

In the last 2 months I had all six injectors, plugs (two times) and bank 2 o2 sensor.

Do the tunes bias the Wide bands in a way that could cause premature failures in some cars? Perhaps turning down certain settings could help out?

I will update the thread after I get a dealer diagnosis...The last thing on the list could be a dying fuel pump or possibly carbon buildup? But I am just unclear why I would get a BANK2 o2 sensor code?

(2C3E Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter 2) Possibly funky connection in the ECU box?

Any ideas from the peanut Gallery?
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      10-12-2009, 01:28 AM   #2
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      10-12-2009, 01:32 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by XPO186 View Post
well said
My Youtube Channel
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      10-12-2009, 01:36 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by joec500 View Post
The continuing saga of my mis-fire woes. So I have been constantly getting intermittent mis-fires from Cylinders 4-5-6. I have gone through 3 sets of plugs, I moved coil packs, but the mis-fires stayed on the same cylinders, I also got a bank 2 o2 sensor issue. I also replaced this o2 sensor and everything worked great for about 2 weeks... Brought to the dealer and got all six injectors and yet another set of plugs, and everything worked great 1 week...Then yesterday...Mis-fires on freeway and again...O2 sensor code for bank 2 precat sensors and mis-fire on 4-5-6.

Here's the interesting part, is that I only get these mis-fires when I have a tuned installed this occured on both the GIAC and PROcede tunes. On the freeway yesterday I pulled out the PROcede and everything runs smooth, NOTE: same issue with the GIAC too.

Looks like I am bringing the car back yet again...

In the last 2 months I had all six injectors, plugs (two times) and bank 2 o2 sensor.

Do the tunes bias the Wide bands in a way that could cause premature failures in some cars? Perhaps turning down certain settings could help out?

I will update the thread after I get a dealer diagnosis...The last thing on the list could be a dying fuel pump or possibly carbon buildup? But I am just unclear why I would get a BANK2 o2 sensor code?

(2C3E Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter 2) Possibly funky connection in the ECU box?

Any ideas from the peanut Gallery?

This is one of those weird issues. I had something very similar happen on my 03 cobra. i kept getting a miss under load only and in #2 changed the coils and plugs and it helped for a few days then back again. I changed the wire harness and still did it. finally I was told it could be computer related and that the driver in the PCM could be bad or going bad which is rare. I swapped one out with a friends car loaded my tune in his PCM and the issue was gone. It may end up being the computer is what I am saying. everything elsehas been changed a few times it seems and the only thing left is the Computer or maybe the HPFP is causing failures but it is a little strange it would only target those 3 cylinders every time. Also the 03 Cobra was OBDII as well and never gave me a code for the bad driver in the PCM. Hope you get it worked out soon. Interested in what the final solution is.
My Youtube Channel
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      10-12-2009, 01:38 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Brad@PSI MOTORS View Post
This is one of those weird issues. I had something very similar happen on my 03 cobra. i kept getting a miss under load only and in #2 changed the coils and plugs and it helped for a few days then back again. I changed the wire harness and still did it. finally I was told it could be computer related and that the driver in the PCM could be bad or going bad which is rare. I swapped one out with a friends car loaded my tune in his PCM and the issue was gone. It may end up being the computer is what I am saying. everything elsehas been changed a few times it seems and the only thing left is the Computer or maybe the HPFP is causing failures but it is a little strange it would only target those 3 cylinders every time. Also the 03 Cobra was OBDII as well and never gave me a code for the bad driver in the PCM. Hope you get it worked out soon. Interested in what the final solution is.
Yah...it might be possible I just might need an ECU update from BMW....We'll see.
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      10-12-2009, 05:26 PM   #6
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Bringing in the car tomorrow....Pulled the BT Codes...Looks like there is still issues with my o2 eventhough I had the Pre Cat sensor replaced a month back...Looks like the post cat O2 is dying now:

Do you guys think there could be some loose connections? as this is consistently Bank 2 Errors...Anyways I guess we'll see what the dealer says tomorrow...Fingers crossed.

Check out what the ECU Logged:

MSD80/MSD81 Engine module for N54
Module Identification

Hardware Number 7596017
Hardware Vesion Number 00
Coding Index 17
DiagnosticIndex 0000
VariantIndex 3333
Date of ECU Manufacturing 20061120
System Supplier Siemens
Message Catalog Version 0.0.0
Software Version 0.0.0
OS Version 0.0.0

Current Fault Codes

2C73 Lambda probe behind catalytic converter, signal
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 61576kms 38261miles
exhaust fume temperature behind catalytic converter bank 1 0.00 °C
resistor Lambda probe behind catalytic converter bank 1 65,280.00 ohm
voltage Lambda probe behind catalytic converter bank 1 1.13 V
time since start end 0.00 s

2C74 Lambda probe behind catalytic converter 2, signal
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 61576kms 38261miles
exhaust fume temperature behind catalytic converter bank 2 0.00 °C
resistor Lambda probe behind catalytic converter bank 2 65,280.00 ohm
voltage Lambda probe behind catalytic converter bank 2 1.13 V
time since start end 0.00 s

2C3E Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter 2, control failure or cable transmission failure?
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 61920kms 38475miles
Lambda-nominal value group 2 0.99 -
voltage offset signal path CJ120 2 0.00 V
voltage Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter bank 2 1.97 V
ceramic temperature Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter bank 2 0.00 °C

29E1 Fuel mixture control 2
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 61936kms 38485miles
speed 2,624.00 rpm
suction pipe pressure 65.00 kPa
relative load 0.00 %
matching throttle valve model (factor) 0.88 -

Event 2Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
speed 704.00 rpm
suction pipe pressure 40.00 kPa
relative load 0.00 %
matching throttle valve model (factor) 0.99 -

Event 3Odometer 62016kms 38534miles
speed 2,560.00 rpm
suction pipe pressure 83.00 kPa
relative load 0.00 %
matching throttle valve model (factor) 0.88 -

29D1 Misfirings, cylinder 5
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

29D2 Misfirings, cylinder 6
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
Engine temperature 99.75 °C
load value for misfire detection 60.94 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

29D0 Misfirings, cylinder 4
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
Engine temperature 99.75 °C
load value for misfire detection 60.94 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

Event 2Odometer 62048kms 38554miles
Engine temperature 98.25 °C
load value for misfire detection 58.59 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

29CC Misfirings, several cylinders
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
ambient temperature 14.25 °C
rail pressure 97,813.27 hPa
voltage Kl. 87 13.71 V
counter recognition bad road 255.00 -

Event 2Odometer 62048kms 38554miles
ambient temperature 15.00 °C
rail pressure 167,097.68 hPa
voltage Kl. 87 13.71 V
counter recognition bad road 255.00 -

MSD80/MSD81 Engine module for N54
Module Identification

Hardware Number 7596017
Hardware Vesion Number 00
Coding Index 17
DiagnosticIndex 0000
VariantIndex 3333
Date of ECU Manufacturing 20061120
System Supplier Siemens
Message Catalog Version 0.0.0
Software Version 0.0.0
OS Version 0.0.0

Current Shadow Fault Codes

2C73 Lambda probe behind catalytic converter, signal
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 61576kms 38261miles
exhaust fume temperature behind catalytic converter bank 1 0.00 °C
resistor Lambda probe behind catalytic converter bank 1 65,280.00 ohm
voltage Lambda probe behind catalytic converter bank 1 1.13 V
time since start end 0.00 s

2C74 Lambda probe behind catalytic converter 2, signal
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 61576kms 38261miles
exhaust fume temperature behind catalytic converter bank 2 0.00 °C
resistor Lambda probe behind catalytic converter bank 2 65,280.00 ohm
voltage Lambda probe behind catalytic converter bank 2 1.13 V
time since start end 0.00 s

2C3E Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter 2, control failure or cable transmission failure?
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 61920kms 38475miles
Lambda-nominal value group 2 0.99 -
voltage offset signal path CJ120 2 0.00 V
voltage Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter bank 2 1.97 V
ceramic temperature Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter bank 2 0.00 °C

29E1 Fuel mixture control 2
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 61936kms 38485miles
speed 2,624.00 rpm
suction pipe pressure 65.00 kPa
relative load 0.00 %
matching throttle valve model (factor) 0.88 -

Event 2Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
speed 704.00 rpm
suction pipe pressure 40.00 kPa
relative load 0.00 %
matching throttle valve model (factor) 0.99 -

Event 3Odometer 62016kms 38534miles
speed 2,560.00 rpm
suction pipe pressure 83.00 kPa
relative load 0.00 %
matching throttle valve model (factor) 0.88 -

29D1 Misfirings, cylinder 5
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
Engine temperature 99.75 °C
load value for misfire detection 60.94 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

Event 2Odometer 62048kms 38554miles
Engine temperature 98.25 °C
load value for misfire detection 58.59 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

29D2 Misfirings, cylinder 6
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
Engine temperature 99.75 °C
load value for misfire detection 60.94 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

29D0 Misfirings, cylinder 4
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
Engine temperature 99.75 °C
load value for misfire detection 60.94 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

Event 2Odometer 62048kms 38554miles
Engine temperature 98.25 °C
load value for misfire detection 58.59 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

29CC Misfirings, several cylinders
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
ambient temperature 14.25 °C
rail pressure 97,813.27 hPa
voltage Kl. 87 13.71 V
counter recognition bad road 255.00 -

Event 2Odometer 62048kms 38554miles
ambient temperature 15.00 °C
rail pressure 167,097.68 hPa
voltage Kl. 87 13.71 V
counter recognition bad road 255.00 -

MSD80/MSD81 Engine module for N54
Module Identification

Hardware Number 7596017
Hardware Vesion Number 00
Coding Index 17
DiagnosticIndex 0000
VariantIndex 3333
Date of ECU Manufacturing 20061120
System Supplier Siemens
Message Catalog Version 0.0.0
Software Version 0.0.0
OS Version 0.0.0

Current Fault Codes

2C73 Lambda probe behind catalytic converter, signal
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 61576kms 38261miles
exhaust fume temperature behind catalytic converter bank 1 0.00 °C
resistor Lambda probe behind catalytic converter bank 1 65,280.00 ohm
voltage Lambda probe behind catalytic converter bank 1 1.13 V
time since start end 0.00 s

2C74 Lambda probe behind catalytic converter 2, signal
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 61576kms 38261miles
exhaust fume temperature behind catalytic converter bank 2 0.00 °C
resistor Lambda probe behind catalytic converter bank 2 65,280.00 ohm
voltage Lambda probe behind catalytic converter bank 2 1.13 V
time since start end 0.00 s

2C3E Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter 2, control failure or cable transmission failure?
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 61920kms 38475miles
Lambda-nominal value group 2 0.99 -
voltage offset signal path CJ120 2 0.00 V
voltage Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter bank 2 1.97 V
ceramic temperature Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter bank 2 0.00 °C

29E1 Fuel mixture control 2
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 61936kms 38485miles
speed 2,624.00 rpm
suction pipe pressure 65.00 kPa
relative load 0.00 %
matching throttle valve model (factor) 0.88 -

Event 2Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
speed 704.00 rpm
suction pipe pressure 40.00 kPa
relative load 0.00 %
matching throttle valve model (factor) 0.99 -

Event 3Odometer 62016kms 38534miles
speed 2,560.00 rpm
suction pipe pressure 83.00 kPa
relative load 0.00 %
matching throttle valve model (factor) 0.88 -

29D1 Misfirings, cylinder 5
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
Engine temperature 99.75 °C
load value for misfire detection 60.94 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

Event 2Odometer 62048kms 38554miles
Engine temperature 98.25 °C
load value for misfire detection 58.59 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

29D2 Misfirings, cylinder 6
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
Engine temperature 99.75 °C
load value for misfire detection 60.94 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

29D0 Misfirings, cylinder 4
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
Engine temperature 99.75 °C
load value for misfire detection 60.94 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

Event 2Odometer 62048kms 38554miles
Engine temperature 98.25 °C
load value for misfire detection 58.59 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

29CC Misfirings, several cylinders
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
ambient temperature 14.25 °C
rail pressure 97,813.27 hPa
voltage Kl. 87 13.71 V
counter recognition bad road 255.00 -

Event 2Odometer 62048kms 38554miles
ambient temperature 15.00 °C
rail pressure 167,097.68 hPa
voltage Kl. 87 13.71 V
counter recognition bad road 255.00 -

MSD80/MSD81 Engine module for N54
Module Identification

Hardware Number 7596017
Hardware Vesion Number 00
Coding Index 17
DiagnosticIndex 0000
VariantIndex 3333
Date of ECU Manufacturing 20061120
System Supplier Siemens
Message Catalog Version 0.0.0
Software Version 0.0.0
OS Version 0.0.0

Current Shadow Fault Codes

2C73 Lambda probe behind catalytic converter, signal
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 61576kms 38261miles
exhaust fume temperature behind catalytic converter bank 1 0.00 °C
resistor Lambda probe behind catalytic converter bank 1 65,280.00 ohm
voltage Lambda probe behind catalytic converter bank 1 1.13 V
time since start end 0.00 s

2C74 Lambda probe behind catalytic converter 2, signal
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 61576kms 38261miles
exhaust fume temperature behind catalytic converter bank 2 0.00 °C
resistor Lambda probe behind catalytic converter bank 2 65,280.00 ohm
voltage Lambda probe behind catalytic converter bank 2 1.13 V
time since start end 0.00 s

2C3E Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter 2, control failure or cable transmission failure?
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 61920kms 38475miles
Lambda-nominal value group 2 0.99 -
voltage offset signal path CJ120 2 0.00 V
voltage Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter bank 2 1.97 V
ceramic temperature Lambda probe in front of catalytic converter bank 2 0.00 °C

29E1 Fuel mixture control 2
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 61936kms 38485miles
speed 2,624.00 rpm
suction pipe pressure 65.00 kPa
relative load 0.00 %
matching throttle valve model (factor) 0.88 -

Event 2Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
speed 704.00 rpm
suction pipe pressure 40.00 kPa
relative load 0.00 %
matching throttle valve model (factor) 0.99 -

Event 3Odometer 62016kms 38534miles
speed 2,560.00 rpm
suction pipe pressure 83.00 kPa
relative load 0.00 %
matching throttle valve model (factor) 0.88 -

29D1 Misfirings, cylinder 5
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
Engine temperature 99.75 °C
load value for misfire detection 60.94 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

Event 2Odometer 62048kms 38554miles
Engine temperature 98.25 °C
load value for misfire detection 58.59 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

29D2 Misfirings, cylinder 6
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
Engine temperature 99.75 °C
load value for misfire detection 60.94 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

29D0 Misfirings, cylinder 4
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
Engine temperature 99.75 °C
load value for misfire detection 60.94 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

Event 2Odometer 62048kms 38554miles
Engine temperature 98.25 °C
load value for misfire detection 58.59 %
Engine speed 3,552.00 rpm
Lambda integrator group 2 33.59 %

29CC Misfirings, several cylinders
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption

Freeze Frame Information
Event 1Odometer 62000kms 38525miles
ambient temperature 14.25 °C
rail pressure 97,813.27 hPa
voltage Kl. 87 13.71 V
counter recognition bad road 255.00 -

Event 2Odometer 62048kms 38554miles
ambient temperature 15.00 °C
rail pressure 167,097.68 hPa
voltage Kl. 87 13.71 V
counter recognition bad road 255.00 -
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      10-12-2009, 06:29 PM   #7
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I just got the GIAC flash. No problems for 2 days. Now check engine light, but no code stored (got it pulled at autozone). Anything more than 1/2 throttle and bam, check engine light. Goes out every time you shut the car off. I have a call into the GIAC dealer. Hopefully I am not going down the same path as you. Hope you get it figures out.

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      10-12-2009, 06:50 PM   #8
shifterboy45's Avatar

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maybe this will help ......

Have the tech check the current I level of the car and if you are not current or above 33.0 ..

tell them to take a look at SIB 12 06 09 dated 07.09.09
Misfire faults due to software configuration

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      10-12-2009, 07:04 PM   #9
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You may be right. When GIAC ran my VIN to flash the car, they said that my car had a different version on it and had to make me a custom flash to work with my version.

Maybe it does not like my version of the ECU?

By the way, do you need a BT scanner to pull codes like misfires on this car or will any obd II scan tool work?
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      10-12-2009, 07:13 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by gumpy View Post
I just got the GIAC flash. No problems for 2 days. Now check engine light, but no code stored (got it pulled at autozone). Anything more than 1/2 throttle and bam, check engine light. Goes out every time you shut the car off. I have a call into the GIAC dealer. Hopefully I am not going down the same path as you. Hope you get it figures out.

Gumpy you need a Bavarian Technics tool to view the shadow fault codes, the standard OBD II scanner CANNOT read those.

DEF get flashed to stock before bringing in to the dealer, unless you have a great relationship with your dealer. Good Luck and let us know what the solution is.
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      10-12-2009, 07:15 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by shifterboy45 View Post
Have the tech check the current I level of the car and if you are not current or above 33.0 ..

tell them to take a look at SIB 12 06 09 dated 07.09.09
Misfire faults due to software configuration

Thanks Shifter....I just read that SIB about an hour ago, something about errors in adaptation...I hope that is the only problem, I am surprised they didn't update the car when they installed the injectors last week. (FYI this ONLY applies to MSD80 cars not MSD81's) I heard they might have to upgrade me to an MSD 81...
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      10-12-2009, 07:18 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by discostick View Post
If the piggyback system is putting out the wrong voltages or mixing up the o2 signals it may be damaging the sensors. I would remove piggyback and replace sensors again and if the problem stays away you have your answer.
This was one thought that crossed my mind, but if this were the case I would assume there would be a TON more failed o2's on the forums.
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      10-12-2009, 07:25 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by gumpy View Post

You may be right. When GIAC ran my VIN to flash the car, they said that my car had a different version on it and had to make me a custom flash to work with my version.

Maybe it does not like my version of the ECU?

By the way, do you need a BT scanner to pull codes like misfires on this car or will any obd II scan tool work?
there are a lot of "generic" scan tools available --
but i believe that the BT cable is the closest to having BMW equipment.
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      10-12-2009, 07:31 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by discostick View Post
Maybe your box is a defective one?
Nope...It did this with my old Rev I procede and this is my 3rd Rev II unit (the first one I thought was defective, so Vishnu sent me another unit AND harness, then got the same codes), sold my 2nd Rev II and went with a GIAC flash again the EXACT same codes. So now I am on my 3rd Procede unit...after a few weeks they are back again. So I am ruling out external hardware.
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      10-12-2009, 07:38 PM   #15

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i had your exact issue. whatever o2 that wasn't replaced for those three cylinders needs to be replaced. except mine was for cyl1-3... im about 99% sure its this. they replaced post cat sensor first...about a week later i got an engine light saying the SAME sensor was out of its spec range running lean(completely stock now). they ended up replacing the precat and its been a month and no issues and the car ran A LOT better.

i had those codes pop up for 3-4months prior but thought it as firmware changes from the procede. as time went on i noticed the car felt like it was trying hard and wasn't as consistent but i figured it was due to beta maps...i got everything replaced and with the o2's working right, the car is sweet..i can't imagine what the car will be like when i put everything on. i was wondering why the car started to get slower, timing and throttle closure was insane...now i know. haha

hope this is it.


****EDIT**** i also had 29.xx before they replaced the sensors...so they updated to 34.xx when they replaced the first sensor.

gotta do what i gotta do to get them donuts
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      10-12-2009, 07:42 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by joec500 View Post
Thanks Shifter....I just read that SIB about an hour ago, something about errors in adaptation...I hope that is the only problem, I am surprised they didn't update the car when they installed the injectors last week. (FYI this ONLY applies to MSD80 cars not MSD81's) I heard they might have to upgrade me to an MSD 81...
hence the part about 03/08 production--
are you after that date -- ???
you're right .. MSD81 is supplied on cars produced after the 03/08 break...
what year is your car?
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      10-12-2009, 07:44 PM   #17
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plus ..

injector replacement would have only necessiated clearing of the adaptation values .. not a re-program to bring the I level current
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      10-12-2009, 07:50 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by shifterboy45 View Post
hence the part about 03/08 production--
are you after that date -- ???
you're right .. MSD81 is supplied on cars produced after the 03/08 break...
what year is your car?
I have a 11/2006 Build so I am MSD80
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      10-12-2009, 07:55 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by joec500 View Post
I have a 11/2006 Build so I am MSD80

and if your I level is below 33.0 -- this may be your ticket --- has something to do with specific calibration on 32.0 and prior. one thing that was tell tale is the load condition and rpm... plus you said it happened on the freeway .. so obviously its not a cold start, or idle related condition :/
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      10-12-2009, 07:57 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by shifterboy45 View Post

and if your I level is below 33.0 -- this may be your ticket --- has something to do with specific calibration on 32.0 and prior. one thing that was tell tale is the load condition and rpm... plus you said it happened on the freeway .. so obviously its not a cold start, or idle related condition :/
Thanks Shifterboy, are you some BMW tech or something or just very observant and obsessed with understanding the tech bulletins like me
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      10-12-2009, 08:01 PM   #21

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hopefully for you, all you need is an update;-) if not i'd say look into replacing the other sensor.

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      10-12-2009, 08:03 PM   #22

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Originally Posted by shifterboy45 View Post

and if your I level is below 33.0 -- this may be your ticket --- has something to do with specific calibration on 32.0 and prior. one thing that was tell tale is the load condition and rpm... plus you said it happened on the freeway .. so obviously its not a cold start, or idle related condition :/
every time my light went on was during hwy cruise 55-60mph too. so its gotta be one or the other :-)

gotta do what i gotta do to get them donuts
04 spec-v: rip dec07
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