Transmission Issues
I recently purchased a 2006 750Li after my wife totaled my 05 545i which after many service appts. had just had the transmission replaced at 49,000 miles. It would provide a nice jolt when shifting between 2nd and 3rd. It seemed that the final factor was when the car would surge when coming to a stop. BMW always claimed that they were not have these issues with other vehicles.
I am now having the same issues with my 7 series. It has been reprogrammed twice, the DME module ( Part # 12 14 7 586 910 )has been replaced. Now, periodically I can put it in drive and the car will not move, it feels like the autopark feature is on but it is not ??? I find it hard to believe that no one else is having these issues. I have researched the internet over the last year and find it difficult to locate anyone else with these issues. This is my 6th BMW but I am beggining to look at other options !