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      03-27-2011, 08:44 PM   #1
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Drives: 2008 BMW 335i
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On the Dyno
I had a chance to get on a local dyno at InTune last week. I had gone to them before to establish a baseline when I only had DCI and tune. Since then I've added AR catless dps and CPE FMIC. I went there with only a small amount of 93 octane in the tank and 5 gallons of VP Streetblaze 100 octane in my trunk. Knowing that it's hard to get an appointment on the dyno there I wanted to do several pulls on 93 octane at 15 psi and a few at 17 psi with 100 oct. The dyno is a mustang so as most of you know it reads lower than your typical DynoJet. All of my dynos were done at the same place with the same operator.

One thing that I noticed is that the car ran a lot hotter and took a lot longer to cool down on the dyno as compared with actual driving. Clearly even with an open hood the fans just couldn't generate enough air flow. I used to do pulls in 4th gear. However after logging IAT and coolant temps I won't even bother with another long 4th gear pull on this dyno. I logged one 4th gear pull during my last visit and IAT rose to over 140 degrees. By contrast I did a longer pull of about 50 to 136 off the dyno and IAT only rose to 120 degrees under similar temperatures. I think the operator would need fans that produced hurricane force winds to provide the amount of cooling that you get in real world driving. Even 20 minutes of cool down with hood up and fans on wasn't quite enough time to prevent heat soak as starting IATs rose with each pull. The final pull 17 PSI pull may have suffered some with the car being a little too hot.

Initially I was slightly disappointed with the dyno numbers. But some guys with a lot of tuning experience were impressed. After I reviewed my initial baseline I realized that I'd come a long way. I've added over 100 whp and 100 wtq. I believe I'd be well over 400 whp and wtq on some DynoJets based on feedback from others.

Improvements with the DIC 3-15 Maps
The next morning I updated to the 3-15 maps and running low on race gas I decided to log one last street pull before needing to refill with 93. That pull was incredible with rock solid ignition advance. The car pulled extremely hard and smooth all the way to the red line. I know there is a little boost taper but I actually can't feel it in the seat of the pants. The engine feels smoother and more refined from idle to the red line. Plus throttle tip in is even more predictable. The N54 won a lot of awards but it has clearly been made much better with this tune. BMW and Shiv have done an excellent job. Overall I'm extremely pleased with the way the car is performing. I included the log of the street pull as well.

Now that I've played around with race gas I'm now considering meth. I believe Shiv has made the installation easier with his new kit. Now if I could only convince myself that I'll do the added maintenance I may give meth a try.

But first things first; Installing my wavetrac.

Summary of Dyno Results:
DCI on Stock tune, 93 oct:
250 whp, 275 wtq

DCI with Procede Autotune, 93 oct Edit: These numbers were on the latest Procede maps available in August of 2010. In other words non DIC maps. I didn't log these pulls but with high ambient temps and inefficient fans I believe the Procede would detune boost and IC from the map 1 defaults at the time:
283 whp (+33), 317 wtq (+42)

DCI, CPE FMIC, AR catless DPs, Procede 2-14 DIC at 15 PSI, 93 oct:
324 whp (+74), 367 wtq (+92)

DCI, CPE FMIC, AR catless DPs, Procede 2-14 DIC at 17 PSI, VP streetblaze 100 oct:
351 whp (+101), 384 wtq (+109)

15 PSI Dyno Pull (Did 15 PSI pulls with 93 and 100. Not sure if this is 93 or 100)

15 PSI Dyno Pull Log (Did 15 PSI pulls with 93 and 100. Not sure if this is 93 or 100)
15 PSI Dyno Pull Conditions:
77 Degrees, 780 Feet above sea level, 30.05 inches of Hg, 42% relative humidity; DA = 2144

17 PSI Dyno Pull

17 PSI Dyno Pull Log

17 PSI Dyno Pull Conditions:
Same as above

17 PSI, 60 - 130 pull with 100 oct (actually 45 to 136)
65 Degrees, 780 Feet above sea level, 29.81 inches of Hg, 73% relative humidity; DA = 1674
Car was very happy on the street. Starting IAT 78.8 Degrees at 60 MPH, Ending IAT 120.2 at 130 MPH. Ignition advance solid with no dips.

Last edited by topspin; 03-28-2011 at 08:12 AM.. Reason: Adding clarity for the non DIC dyno pull from August 2010
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      03-27-2011, 09:10 PM   #2

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only a 33whp gain with the procede....Somethings not right here, did you give it any adaptation time at all??
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      03-27-2011, 09:14 PM   #3

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topspin- As with the current beta maps, Autotuning was disabled by default with the 2-14 beta maps. Current autotuning logic simply wont work properly with DIC enabled maps. Did you turn it on? If so, you will find that it will detune itself to stock-like power levels over time.

Also, if you get the opportunity, do some pulls on a dynojet. You'll find that not only will the run be shorter and generate less heat but the results will also be comparable to the other results on the forum. Mustang dynos, Dynopacks, DD dynos are great tuning tools but they aren't so great at giving results that you can compare reliably with other results.

Last edited by OpenFlash; 03-27-2011 at 09:24 PM..
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      03-27-2011, 09:24 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Beemw335 View Post
only a 33whp gain with the procede....Somethings not right here, did you give it any adaptation time at all??
The Procede, DCI dyno was done in the heat of summer last year. I fully expect that I was a bit heat soaked when I switched from map 0 to map 1. There was little to no adaption time and I was doing 4th gear pulls at the time. I would not have been surprised if the Procede increased IC and decreased boost from the map 1 defaults in the hot conditions. These results were for reference and not on the DIC maps.

Last edited by topspin; 03-27-2011 at 09:42 PM..
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      03-27-2011, 09:40 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by shiv@vishnu View Post
topspin- As with the current beta maps, Autotuning was disabled by default with the 2-14 beta maps. Current autotuning logic simply wont work properly with DIC enabled maps. Did you turn it on? If so, you will find that it will detune itself to stock-like power levels over time.

Also, if you get the opportunity, do some pulls on a dynojet. You'll find that not only will the run be shorter and generate less heat but the results will also be comparable to the other results on the forum. Mustang dynos, Dynopacks, DD dynos are great tuning tools but they aren't so great at giving results that you can compare reliably with other results.
Agreed. This was the general consensus of other enthusiasts there that day. The tuning shop loves Mustang dynos though. I actually wonder if they don't sometimes apply too much load. According to my logs it takes longer to accelerate on this dyno than on flat roads under similar temperatures.

Autotuning was not enabled on the DIC maps but it was on the dyno pull from August of last year. I editted the original post to make sure that this is clear.
2008 E90 335i | PROcede Rev 2.5 | PWM Meth | CP-E FMIC + OC | AR catless ceramic DP | BMS DCI | Wavetrac LSD | MORR MonoForged VS8.2 | Michelin PSS
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      03-28-2011, 12:50 AM   #6

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Ya, those numbers are very hard to compare to others on here. Just for reference check out the results of two separate dyno days for my stock 335i sedan with just a Procede..

04/11/2010: http://adios.pcmike.net/~pcmike/dynoruns.jpg
11/21/2010: http://adios.pcmike.net/~pcmike/dyno11212010.jpg

And from what I've seen some people even manage higher numbers on a stock car, depending on environmental factors

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      04-05-2011, 07:43 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by pcmike View Post
Ya, those numbers are very hard to compare to others on here. Just for reference check out the results of two separate dyno days for my stock 335i sedan with just a Procede..

04/11/2010: http://adios.pcmike.net/~pcmike/dynoruns.jpg
11/21/2010: http://adios.pcmike.net/~pcmike/dyno11212010.jpg

And from what I've seen some people even manage higher numbers on a stock car, depending on environmental factors
Yeah I agree these numbers are hard to compare. But it helps if you compare these results to other Mustang dyno results. I did a quick search for Mustang dyno results and found this one from Clap where he got 252whp and 277 wtq stock boost and 349 whp, 387wtq at 16.5 psi. His results are very close to my stock numbers and his 16.5 psi results are very close to mine at 17 psi.

Link to Claps results:
2008 E90 335i | PROcede Rev 2.5 | PWM Meth | CP-E FMIC + OC | AR catless ceramic DP | BMS DCI | Wavetrac LSD | MORR MonoForged VS8.2 | Michelin PSS
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