Hey guys,
New customs shop openied up here in buffalo, NY and i need help from fellow bimmer onwers. First, we do everything from perfromance to vinyl wrapping to show room detail. I have around 15 bays so if anyone's looking for detail, come by the shop. Anywho, what I need help is that, my customs shop/ detial bay website is going active this thursday and I need pictures to post on my website. I am having a photoshoot tomorrow after 5pm (thought this was a good time since a lot ppl get off work around then) so please help out if you can come or if you know anyone that what their car on our website. 5-6 nice cars will be used as a whole backgroound image of our website along with images for our detail shop website. I will be putting in a dyno within, hopefully next 2 weeks so that's also something that the car enthusiasts can look forward to. Anyways, here's the address:
INC Customs
72 Skillen St
Buffalo NY, 14207
ask for phil.
please shoot me an email,
pkwon9285@gmail.com or text me at 347-330-9085 to confirm who's coming. more car the merrier.
I know there's a lot of BMW, soobys and evos out there so, please help out for the photoshooT!!