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      10-26-2007, 08:57 PM   #1
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Exclamation (SSTT)Split Second/Eurobahn Turbo Tuner FAQ:

thought i might share some info i have gathered from this and other sites about the turbo tuner some people in the market might find useful.

The Turbo Tuner is Made by Split Second:

There Main Dealer and Distributor is Eurobahn:
Supporting Vendors of e90post.you can order directly from them aswell.

They also are sold by many other Companies including:

Bavarian Autosport:

The M Shop- Jon the supporting vendor of the site

Bimmer performance Store:
who are also supporting vendors of the site

NA motorsports


The unit MSRP is $599.99
Works with the LATEST v81 DME and program 29.2!
IT has a 7-day money back gurantee.
2 year warranty on the product itself
ONLY plug and play tune on the market for the 335i right now
takes under a minute to install and no wires to play with
Cannot be traced or found once removed
a average of 40WHP and 40Wftlb on members dynos.
Runs a low boost of about 11psi(+3psi from stock)
Moderate power so you dont worry about overloading the engine and Tranny.
Is great for leased cars.
Half a dozen BMW dealers in the us are selling them in the Parts department

Won the Global Award for the Best Engineered new product at the 2007 SEMA show


A few words From Split Second makers of the Turbo Tuner:

The one thing I can say for sure is that the Turbo Tuner is not a boost controller.Boost control is carried out by the stock ECU. All the mapping of boost vs. engine operating point that is inherent in the stock is preserved.
Additionally the precision and stability of boost control is still
within the domain of the stock ECU. This is very important in order to
preserve the stock drivability of the car.

The IAT reading is altered by the Turbo Tuner. It is done in a subtle
way that preserves the IAT reading. We do not make big changes that
would be easily observed from the OBDII diagnostic port.

To give you a little better feel for the product here are some of the
design features of the product.

1) Enhance Performance by up 50 ft-lbs and 40 horsepower at the

The Turbo Tuner is an embedded control solution that works seamlessly
with the stock ECU. It works on demand meaning that once the engine is
in boost and throttle position is increased, the boost is increased.
This increase in boost builds in a smooth, progressive fashion as the
throttle position is increased. The Turbo Tuner is not a boost
controller. The boost of the engine is always being controlled by the
stock ECU. Therefore, the quality of how boost builds and is managed is
completely preserved.

2) Easy to Use

The Turbo Tuner is a true plug-and-play solution that can be installed
or uninstalled in seconds by the end customer. This is a major step
forward in convenience compared to ECU re-flash or hard-wired piggyback
controller solutions. Both of those alternatives take considerably
longer to install. Unlike an ECU re-flash, after the Turbo Tuner is
removed, there is no trace that it was ever there. Unlike a hard-wired
piggyback, the stock wire harness is left untouched.

3) Maintain Stock Drivability

The Turbo Tuner does not change the characteristics of the engine in the
vacuum region. This assures that the drivability, fuel economy and
exhaust emissions are completely stock when driven with light throttle.
Every effort has been made to assure that the smooth and refined
character of the car is not adversely affected.

4) Preserve Reliability

Every aspect of the inherent protection features built into the stock
engine management system is preserved. In addition, the design features
a soft limit circuit that avoids overboost. This protects the engine
from potentially damaging boost spikes. There is also a temperature
compensation protection circuit that lowers boost at elevated under-hood

5) Highest Product Quality

The Turbo Tuner is built using surface mount technology and
state-of-the-art, pick-and-place automated assembly equipment for the
ultimate in quality assurance and reliability. The internal circuitry
utilizes precision components rated for 1% tolerance and specified for
operation over the industrial temperature range. OEM connector
components are used to assure reliable electrical connections



new 29.2 and DME v81:

It was an exhausting week but a very educational one. We were fortunate that our friends had just completed the new training on the new software and counter measures known as FASTA.

The data recording trends and what they are looking for was also most enlightening. They are indeed most concerned about high boosting systems and so have directed their efforts in that area. The SSTT stays well within margins that throw no red flags. We were able to see on their new screen the faults they were looking for. These "adapations" and there are four specific ones that are being examined and recorded will absolutely catch out of margin information.

I was extremely pleased to see that even on our main test vehicle that has hundreds of dyno runs with the SSTT we only threw codes related to wheel speed due to dyno work. Our 135 which has been getting the snot kicked out of it with the SSTT and the intake kit we sell had zero adaptation violations!

All in all we could not be happier with the outcome. Now on to the California Air Resources Board for testing. Once we have our emissions number, anyone who purchased a SSTT in the past year may request a sticker and we will happily give one to you for your vehicle


how the SSTT works:

your questions timing could not have been better as I was over at Split Second for a meeting! Here is what I was told, you are absolutely correct. The Turbo Tuner does indeed modify the iat sensor to pull timing. The amount varies depending on boost conditions and intake temperatures. However it can be a bit more than the amount you listed if it is needed. Air Speed and density play a big role in the way this vehicle is tuned constantly by the DME. This is also why the Turbo Tuner is a safe tuning option, it works with the onboard safety precaustions and adds another layer with it's built in temperature protection circuit.

I hope you guys who are judging the Turbo Tuner will remember one thing. Not one customer of the device has ever asked for a refund or posted any bad experience what so ever.




European Car Web's MAGAZINES test:

DIY install:


SCCAforums.com dyno


HOUSTONT dynos, and RMCOOLX inside.

Hope this will help some People. i will add to this from week to week. it was done quickly. lata guys.

Last edited by 5soko; 06-18-2008 at 12:56 PM..
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      10-27-2007, 11:04 AM   #2
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Thank you for taking the time to post this!

What is IAT? Intake Air Temperature?

The one thing that worries me (even though I own a TT) is how little technical information there is on this product. I realize that SS wants to preserve some trade secrets, and respect that completely. However I would really like to know a bit more about what their product is doing to my car. I have read their sales literature and from what I can tell, this product raises boost by tricking the ECU into thinking that the intake temperature is different than it is. So lower boost would be cooler intake temperature? Are they saying that they tell the ECU that the intake temp is lower so the ECU turns the boost up? I am confused...

I like the way my car drives with this product, and it feels relatively safe to me. It would just be nice if somebody who knows a lot more than I do (which is easy since I know very little) could explain this stuff to me.
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      10-27-2007, 02:30 PM   #3

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I got my TT 4 days ago. It is a blast. It did take about 2hrs of drive time to adapt to what is now very smooth and consistant power. (or maybe it took me that time to adjust to IT LOL)

Yesterday I put 5 gallons of 100 octane and then filled up with the best we can get here in CA 91 octane and after about 30 mins of spirited driving the car really started to perform. I remember when I picked up the car in Europe how much better it performed on their high octane fuel. So the TT with say a 93-94 average is soo nice.

I do notice that some times after several blast one after the other, the last of say 4 feels a bit flat. Then after say 30 seconds of driving off full power the next blast attempt feels very strong again.

Otherwise I love it. I sure wish we had 93 in California as the norm. Then the TT would be just perfect for me and too easy for those that lease and dont need that brut force of the Procede.

When I had an Evo Shiv did a map for 95 octane for me and I used to have a 30 gallon drum of 100 delivered to my office every month so that I could blend my own 95!

My have to do that again
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      10-27-2007, 03:12 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Brisk View Post
heres some old enough i had if u would like to add.


The factory wideband system sniffs out the actual AFR and adjusts it to hit stock targets, if you add more air, it automatically adds more fuel. The thing that most people dont like, is that it stays at stock AFR's... The PROcede uses richer than stock AFR's, which shiv's says is neccessary to keep the engine cool. Keep in mind, its a Ratio... so the more air you add, the car WILL add more fuel, not like upping the boost on a non closeloop system... which will cause leaner than stock AFR's.

The TT hides the fact that boost is above stock levels, the ECU sees stock boost. The TT also tweaks the IAT sensor to trick the ECU into adjusting timing, and it does all this according to load. It also has built in protection circuitry to cut back boost if it gets too hot, and also to avoid boost spikes. (this is all info taken from the other threads)

Now if this is safe or not is subjective... many people think its fine at these power levels, and is proven by the fact that there is no detonation or pinging, and engine temps remain unchanged. Other's think that this device is completely unsafe...

I am offering completely unbaised info towards both products. Personally, since my car is a lease, and currently has frequent trips to the dealer, I have the TT... If I owned my car, and I didnt need to take it in often, I would definatly have the PROcede


and like mentioned by the op, some people do not give the SSTT time to adjust to the engine 100% and the dynos are not 100% accurate.

Jon from the Mshop can chim in aswell he knows alot about it and ran it on his own car.
Jeff aswell knows alot about it
Let's also add that BMW allows the boost to climb about the same amount to compensate for altitude, so the ECU is factory-ready by BMW for the small boost increase.
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      10-28-2007, 11:35 PM   #5
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Thanks for the info guys i will try to add it so u can delete it from your own posts. Thanks again.
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      10-31-2007, 08:07 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Brisk View Post
heres some old enough i had if u would like to add.

Now if this is safe or not is subjective... many people think its fine at these power levels, and is proven by the fact that there is no detonation or pinging, and engine temps remain unchanged. Other's think that this device is completely unsafe.
Maybe the more knowledgeable folks on the forum can explain why/how the TT can be considered 'unsafe' by some if it stays within the ECU's capabilities to adjust fuel and timing as needed. Nothing against the piggyback tuners but I would tend trust BMW engineers more. Can anyone explain?

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      10-31-2007, 11:36 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Brisk View Post
using this, the SSTT can alter timing (fuel)
What are you talking about? timing is not fuel, and the SSTT has control over neither of these using the TMAP sensor. The only capabilities of the device are to add 3psi boost and cut that boost if the temp at the TMAP sensor reads too high...
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      10-31-2007, 11:45 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by AB Tek 818 View Post
What are you talking about? timing is not fuel, and the SSTT has control over neither of these using the TMAP sensor. The only capabilities of the device are to add 3psi boost and cut that boost if the temp at the TMAP sensor reads too high...
Right and since 11psi is well within the stock ECU's capabilities to alter timing and mixture how can it be unsafe? I've also read somewhere on this forum that the stock car raises boost to as high as 11psi at altitude to compensate for lower air density? Just asking for clarification because I want to make sure the stock ECU is up to the task to run the engine safely if a TT is added to the mix.
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      11-01-2007, 09:03 AM   #9
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I did not actually install mine and haven't had time to feel around. Please accept, in advance, my apologies if this is an obvious question.

Does the device plug into the sensor before or after the throttle valve? There are 2 sensors in that area that both measure boost. Since the TT only modifies the signal of one sensor, why does the ECU not see a pressure difference between the 2 sensors and trip a fault? It doesn't trip one, but I really want to understand WHY.

From what I am able to gather, the TT fools the ECU into thinking it is making less boost than it is. It says to the ECU 8 psi is really only 5, so the ECU up's the boost by 3. So now the sensor with the modified signal sees 8 psi, but the sensor without the TT sees 11 psi. I suspect the ECU would cry foul, especially since both sensors appear to be down stream from the blow-off valves. Logically I would expect a pressure difference before and after the throttle valve, and imagine the ECU already takes that into consideration. But with the TT in place the pressure variation would be greater than what the ECU expects to see, wouldn't it?

To reiterate, I am really happy with my TT and continue to think it was the right purchasing decision. However I am starting to get concerned about the complete lack of detailed technical information. I e-mailed SS and asked for something more technical than their sales literature. What I got back was their sales literature. When I thanked them and asked for something a bit more technical I got no response whatsoever.

I don't expect SS to lay their tuning secrets on the table for everybody to steal and copy. All I want is a slightly more sophisticated explanation of why their product is safe.

Thank you everybody for your patience. Again, I am sorry if this question reveals (further) my lack of understanding of this topic.
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      11-01-2007, 12:34 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by AB Tek 818 View Post
What are you talking about? timing is not fuel, and the SSTT has control over neither of these using the TMAP sensor. The only capabilities of the device are to add 3psi boost and cut that boost if the temp at the TMAP sensor reads too high...
it does alter timing
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      11-04-2007, 08:51 AM   #11
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updated the faq topic guys. Jlewis is also now selling turbo tuners
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      11-04-2007, 11:27 AM   #12
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I just got the TT installed yesterday by the folks in Red Deer. Great driving experience so far!

Jeff, I was wondering how many of your customers just keep the TT on when they go for routine maintenance. It is not THAT simple to plug and unplug especially for me with bigger arms I could not really reach down there that easily!

But the unit is completely tucked away under the engine so I do not think it is detectable unless the computer diag at BMW could pick it up???

Advice plz!
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      11-04-2007, 11:59 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by 3352G0 View Post
But the unit is completely tucked away under the engine so I do not think it is detectable unless the computer diag at BMW could pick it up???

Advice plz!
IMO the TT is clearly in sight if you so much as glance down by the TMAP. I'd just have a friend with skinnier arms remove it before service.
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      11-04-2007, 06:07 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by reb03 View Post
IMO the TT is clearly in sight if you so much as glance down by the TMAP. I'd just have a friend with skinnier arms remove it before service.
YEah I have to agree for the moment to remove it for service visits. It is not detectable by the Diagnostic equipment even when it's on the car but it can be seen. Now this is we believe a temporary situation based on the reception the TT is getting by BMW. WE had several BMW officials stop by our booth at the SEMA show this last week to say how happy they were with the TT on their own cars.

We have half a dozen or so BMW dealerships who sell the TT in their parts departments. I say we spoke to about 15 more at the show who wanted to carry it as well. And of course we won the best enginnered new product award from the international press corp. and that helps too.

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      11-05-2007, 09:27 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Jeff@Eurobahn.us View Post
YEah I have to agree for the moment to remove it for service visits. It is not detectable by the Diagnostic equipment even when it's on the car but it can be seen. Now this is we believe a temporary situation based on the reception the TT is getting by BMW. WE had several BMW officials stop by our booth at the SEMA show this last week to say how happy they were with the TT on their own cars.

We have half a dozen or so BMW dealerships who sell the TT in their parts departments. I say we spoke to about 15 more at the show who wanted to carry it as well. And of course we won the best enginnered new product award from the international press corp. and that helps too.

Congratulations on the award!
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      11-05-2007, 08:59 PM   #16
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congrats...hopefully this means that we won't have to remove the TT for service next time....
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      11-05-2007, 09:06 PM   #17
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the SSTT is so easy to remove, i take it off sometimes to give to my friends or just so i can feel the difference of power . i would take it out for service always anyways.
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      11-06-2007, 08:18 PM   #18
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Talking NEW BMW Dealer

I am happy to announce another BMW dealer has joined the Turbo Tuner family.

Laurel BMW
430 E. Ogden Avenue
Westmont, Illinois 60559
Sales: 866-484-0136 Service: 877-454-9352

Ask for Kevin Hale

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      11-06-2007, 08:47 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Jeff@Eurobahn.us View Post
I am happy to announce another BMW dealer has joined the Turbo Tuner family.

Laurel BMW
430 E. Ogden Avenue
Westmont, Illinois 60559
Sales: 866-484-0136 Service: 877-454-9352

Ask for Kevin Hale

Congrats Jeff. With regard to service and warranty claims what is the position of the dealers which sell the TT? After reading the BS this poor guy with Procede is going through (he didn't uninstall it properly and the service dept found it) I thought I'd ask the question.
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      11-11-2007, 06:43 PM   #20
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Congrats on the award. i'll update the FAQ page with this info
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      11-12-2007, 10:32 PM   #21
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Does the SSTT pull hard to redline? i have read that above 6k it doesnt pull as hard as the JB. I have even read this from TT owners.
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      11-13-2007, 04:51 PM   #22
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Should I wait for my break in to finish before installing it or it doesn't make a difference?
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