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      07-24-2011, 10:31 AM   #23
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See what the GM says at the dealer. Hopefully he sees the light. Bring a printout of this thread and pull it out if need be. BMW NA is also a phone call away tomorrow morning.
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      07-24-2011, 10:36 AM   #24

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Originally Posted by CJ421 View Post
Yeah wow. You might post this in the detailing forum and see what pros say.

The paint doesn't need time to cure, it is baked at the factory and is ready to go.

On way or another it sounds like the dealership is treating you fairly, giving you a loaner and trying to fix it. If it really is a problem with the paint, then that's the factory's fault obviously, not the dealer's.
Will do thanks! Wait though I forgot to mention that the loaner they gave has a bent rim, super dirty and smelly, and not one panel is in good condition (dents, scrapes, broken). PLUS they gave me the key and went home literally! The last time I owned a BMW, it was a 1992 318i. I counldn't even unlock the doors for my family to get in, I had to take the key out and use the key fob. Who knew the unlock button was in the middle console? Not me. I was basically dropped in the middle of nowhere and told to find my way home.

Last edited by nany82; 07-24-2011 at 11:30 AM.. Reason: Add info
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      07-24-2011, 10:45 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by nany82 View Post
Thanks for the support guys, but does anyone have any ideas on how to approach the situation. I will meet with the GM hopefully tomorrow. I just don't want them to try to BS me and win.

I guess I want to know what you guys would say if it were you talking to the GM.

I don't want to directly name the dealership and put them on blast just yet.
Go see the car and see if the job they've done is satisfactory. If you're not 100% happy with that, speak to the GM and ask for a new car - expedited ofcoruse and give you a 'newer' loaner.

I would also bring this to BMWNA's attention and open a case with them, just to ensure it's being followed up on both the fronts.

Good luck!
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      07-24-2011, 10:56 AM   #26
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good luck. DON'T ACCEPT THE CAR UNTIL YOU ARE COMPLETELY SATISFIED!! once you leave the stealer...you are done
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      07-24-2011, 04:36 PM   #27
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I put myself in your shoes and it must have been heartbreaking to get to the dealership and see that. Hope everything works out.

What dealership is this? Hope you don't say Park Ave.
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      07-24-2011, 06:21 PM   #28
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Those pictures actually look like rail dust. Looks like your car was on the bottom row and the cars above it slide around and dropped small pieces of metal/rust that ate away at the clear.
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      07-24-2011, 06:57 PM   #29

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subscribed to this thread, very interesting. I work in a dealership and I know thats not normal, that doesnt look fixable without having new paint.
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      07-24-2011, 07:34 PM   #30

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Thanks to all who responded, especially DocVoxel who seems to be following the thread and providing plenty of info.
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      07-24-2011, 09:25 PM   #31
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wow man i hope this gets fixed quickly! DO NOT TAKE IT IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED!
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      07-25-2011, 12:31 AM   #32
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Looked at the picture(hood seam) and I already have an answer.

Manufacturers defect.

Course of action? Settle for no less than a new car that exceeds your standard. . . After all you ordered and waited months for this car.
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      07-25-2011, 12:52 AM   #33
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I can't even imagine how frustrated you must be after waiting all this time.

I recommend calling BMW North America if the dealership does not reconcile this to your satisfaction. I'm currently waiting for a 2011 335xi Msport that I did European Delivery for in May. BMW North America has been great so far in helping with a delay in customs. They seem to have resources and funds that the dealers may not.

Good luck, and keep us posted!
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      07-25-2011, 09:57 AM   #34
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Interesting, I was examining the photos more closely and it appears that there is damage to the glass and painted trim too. Since these pieces are installed at different times during the production process, could also be some sort of caustic fallout that damaged the finish. Again, either way - DO NOT ACCEPT THAT CAR.
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      07-26-2011, 02:23 PM   #35
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What the hell is that? It's on your trim as well. Order a new car that is simple unacceptable.
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      07-26-2011, 04:33 PM   #36

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UPDATE coming soon, sorry been super busy with this situation, and my regular life. Just want to say thanks for all the input and support!!!
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      07-30-2011, 02:51 PM   #37
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Keep us updated.
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      08-01-2011, 06:03 PM   #38

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So I went in Monday morning at 8:45, and the sales manager who I dealt with on Friday was the only one there. The GM was running late and I had to be at work by 11:00. So after seeing me and making me wait while he was on his cell phone, he decides to approach me after I am looking for a way to access my car which is in a display garage. Once in the sunlight, I was able to see that there were still spots left! Wouldn’t someone make it there business to check this over not once, not twice, but three times to say the least? Shouldn’t that manager been on his knees and tippy toes checking all aspects of the car to ensure the job was done to perfection. I’ve truly had better customer service at any fast food spot. So not only does he let himself look bad again, but he plays HARDBALL with me. He tells me I’ll have to let him get the rest out or there’s no other remedy. At this point, I’m livid and I demand a paint meter, I want to know exactly what was done thus far, and I’m already telling him I want another car. His lack of concern definitely fueled my anger at this point. All throughout, he keeps cutting me off and talking in a slightly condescending manner. And with everything that has happened I’m just in shock. One of the detail guys comes outside with a cotton rag and some clear/cream colored liquid and applies it to an area with the spots and then wipes over it with a microfiber cloth. To my surprise, it’s completely GONE, even though when you rubbed over a spot nothing happened. So whatever it was be it acid rain or bad wax or another substance from the environment, it was off my car. At this point, the only issue left is their negligence. As I discuss this with the manager, he boldly states that I can take my trade in and walk. So they had my trade-in, my down payment ($13,000 which they had already cashed), and all my time I waited to even get the vehicle. I never once tried to walk from the deal, I gave them money, all I wanted and was owed was a car. After basically telling me he doesn’t want to hear my frustrations thus far with the dealership, he states he will have the guy go over the still affected areas and offers me a free detail.

So I go with it, I tell him I have no time to wait for the car now as I need to rush to work. He gave me a problem for the loaner, telling me that it is already “spoken for” and that he will see if I can keep it until Wednesday which is when I can pick up my car. So now in his eyes, he’s doing me a favor with the loaner even though they have been wasting my time and giving me attitude. I decide to speak with the GM about this whole experience. I explain everything to the GM and he’s more apologetic about the situation and offers me a car care kit, free unlimited washes (in a machine with rags, with a value of $15), a written guarantee that any premature/uneven wear in the clear coat as a result of what happened will be covered by them, and the free detail (value of $150). I was hesitant and accepted. I ALWAYS wash my cars by hand. So after thinking about it I call him back and ask if I can give up the car care kit and free washes for 2 details a year. If you do the math, weekly washes ALONE amount to $7800 over ten years, whereas the details will cost them only $3000. I figured I’m saving them money but I would rather that then put my car in a grimey machine wash. The GM is short with me and stated he’s not changing anything, and that’s final. So I had no option but to give up.

Later on that night, I’m checking my car loan online and see that it still has not been paid off! It’s Wednesday night (loan is due the next day) and they had my trade in and down payment since last Friday. I call my bank and they tell me nothing is pending and I will default if no payment is received by the due date. So I write an email to the GM thanking him for two failed deliveries, attitude from the sales manager, taking my trade in, cashing the down payment, and not paying the loan off for my trade in; this transaction is of course all at the cheap price of $55,000. I ask when is it my turn “to put my foot down”, since he had no problem doing so when I asked to change the things he was offering for all my inconveniences. I go to bed and anxiously await his reply. He’s rude and short in his reply and says that they didn’t pay the loan because I didn’t take the car. WHY would I accept a car like that? I could have pulled out of the deal right then and there, well actually no because the deposit is non-refundable as per their paperwork and the financial agreement was ALREADY signed. They already cashed the down check and had my trade in to do as they wished. I was all in and they could care less about delivering on their end.

Seeing that I have no other recourse, I try my last option. I call a former sales manager of that particular dealership, he’s now the GM at another one of their locations/brands and my parent’s had just purchased a car from him 3 weeks prior. He’s known me at least 8 years and I explain everything and he’s in shock and says he will have another manager call me, before I try to take this to the owner of these dealerships. The manager that calls is apologetic, well-spoken, and willing to work towards me being completely satisfied not only with the car but with the dealership. So I got free car washes for as long as I own the car, 2 free details a year for as long as I own the car, and the car care kit. He explained the car washes are the same used for their new vehicles prior to delivery and they change out some parts every month because they can’t scratch the cars they need to deliver, makes sense I guess. At any rate I got the 2 details/year, which is what I really needed since I will stick to my hand car washes. I may use the wash in an emergency or during winter in between the weekly hand washes. I still have a bad taste in my mouth and don’t know if they’ll get my business again. I won’t put them on blast here just out of respect for the manager that finally came through.

Thanks for all the input and concern!!!!! Sorry this took a while to write.
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      08-01-2011, 06:40 PM   #39
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So, who is the dealer?
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      08-01-2011, 07:48 PM   #40
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Did you ever figure out what it was?

And what cream did they use to get it off?
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      08-02-2011, 12:51 PM   #41

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Originally Posted by caradd View Post
So, who is the dealer?
I'm not sure of the repercussions of just saying the name of the dealership, so I'd rather not.

Originally Posted by jaadoogar View Post
Did you ever figure out what it was?

And what cream did they use to get it off?
I have no idea what the spots were. The cream was some type of cleaner or liquid wax, no smell and no rubbing was involved, it was applied with a terry cloth and wiped off with a micro fiber towel.
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      08-04-2011, 06:28 PM   #42
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Reading your update I can't help but get the feeling you got screwed. The dealership knew they had your trade in, and cashed in your downpayment. They had you exactally where they wanted you. On top of all that they also knew you really wanted this purchase. Personally, I would have a hudge problem with the wasting of my time and the rudness of the poeple I was dealing with. Its just desrespectful and unessary. I can't believe they "fixed it" and called you in when it obviously needed to be wiped down again when you got there. Very unprofessional! I don't know if you contacted bmwusa, but I would have, and made a complaint about the situation even after the fact. I would hav also blown up their spot on the forum, thats the least they deserve for your treatment!
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      08-05-2011, 08:52 AM   #43

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I had spoken to someone who I knew that's been working for BMW for almost 10 years, and your issue you ran into is not uncommon. Apparently it has something to do with the paint not completely drying, and that a heat gun could actually take those out. Regardless of that, the way the dealership handled this is totally unprofessional and unacceptable. You should make a call to corporate just to let them know what's going on, because corporate does do things about this (witnessed it first hand). In any case, at least you got it worked out and I hope the best for you and your new car
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      08-06-2011, 06:31 PM   #44
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Sorry you had that experience. But good for you from walking away and not taking the car! It must have been hard after spec'ing it, waiting for it.

My concern would be the spots resurfacing over time...

What did they tell you the problem was? The solution? It couldn't have been just a cream? If so, why didn't they do that before you even saw it?

+1 on contacting BMWUSA.

Thanks for posting this BTW. I will definitely be looking at the paint more closely on my order!
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