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      06-11-2008, 12:37 AM   #45

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people can't f@cking drive in Ontario, I get so angry sometimes when I drive it's not even funny.... every f@cking left lane is moving SLOW because of some dumbass driving below speed limit and will not move because he/she got that "if I move he's better then me" attitude, if you chilling in your car MOVE THE F@CK OVER to the slow lane !!! then there's these idiots who tailgate your ass, even if there's traffic and nowhere to go they STILL F@CKING TAILGATE, WHYY?!! sometimes I just want to slam on my brakes as hard as I can, it would give me such a relief... then there are super heroes who curse you/flip a finger/act like they are Bruce lee or something, funny thing is, 99% of them are like 130 pound guys, women, and old man, sometimes I just want to start something with guys like that to teach them a lesson (but dont feel like paying $ to the lawyer after)... ok I feel better now
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      06-11-2008, 10:02 AM   #46
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CBC did a small documentary on road rage in Toronto ... pretty weird stuff going on
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      06-11-2008, 11:05 AM   #47
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i am very bothered by the number of road rage incidents i see daily. however, what really grinds my gears is the people that do not know how to drive "collectively", instead contribute to already the horrible traffic we endure daily.

i am talking about slow drivers on the left lane. are they blind? can they not see their rear view mirror with 30 cars behind them and NOTHING but open road infront of them? people that merge slow on to the highway that causes more retarded people to brake unnecessarily (braking in traffic causes traffic memory fyi). how about going south on the 404/401 intersection. people from the left lane would try to bud into line going into the 401 ramps. this causes so much freakin traffic people don't realize. cause not only do you slow down the traffic for the 404 dvp, but you also slow the lines for the 401 as the traffic has to stop for you to enter into the 401 ramp. select your lines EARLY PPL!

i wish ppl would think more collectively, for a mutual benefit rather than this individual crap and ignorance.
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      06-11-2008, 11:52 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by flush01 View Post
people can't f@cking drive in Ontario, I get so angry sometimes when I drive it's not even funny.... every f@cking left lane is moving SLOW because of some dumbass driving below speed limit and will not move because he/she got that "if I move he's better then me" attitude, if you chilling in your car MOVE THE F@CK OVER to the slow lane !!! then there's these idiots who tailgate your ass, even if there's traffic and nowhere to go they STILL F@CKING TAILGATE, WHYY?!! sometimes I just want to slam on my brakes as hard as I can, it would give me such a relief... then there are super heroes who curse you/flip a finger/act like they are Bruce lee or something, funny thing is, 99% of them are like 130 pound guys, women, and old man, sometimes I just want to start something with guys like that to teach them a lesson (but dont feel like paying $ to the lawyer after)... ok I feel better now
A little post rage maybe?
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      06-11-2008, 12:17 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by 3coupe View Post
i am very bothered by the number of road rage incidents i see daily. however, what really grinds my gears is the people that do not know how to drive "collectively", instead contribute to already the horrible traffic we endure daily.

i am talking about slow drivers on the left lane. are they blind? can they not see their rear view mirror with 30 cars behind them and NOTHING but open road infront of them? people that merge slow on to the highway that causes more retarded people to brake unnecessarily (braking in traffic causes traffic memory fyi). how about going south on the 404/401 intersection. people from the left lane would try to bud into line going into the 401 ramps. this causes so much freakin traffic people don't realize. cause not only do you slow down the traffic for the 404 dvp, but you also slow the lines for the 401 as the traffic has to stop for you to enter into the 401 ramp. select your lines EARLY PPL!

i wish ppl would think more collectively, for a mutual benefit rather than this individual crap and ignorance.
i was having a talk with my dad about this yesterday. in England, undertaking is absolutely prohibited, and if you attempt it, other drivers on the road will let you know.

i think it's one thing that should be instituted here......making undertaking illegal....i know its one of the things you can't always catch, but what percentage of drivers going over 150 are caught? at the very least if people police one another, the public shame can be enough to correct poor practice (in a civil society at least) it would make things much safer if drivers could come into the slower lanes with the knowledge that they don't have to check their right blindspot in an emergency.......so long as drivers know not to stay in another's blindspot......which is something some idiot drivers over here still don't know to avoid.

it would also tell the slow as hell drivers in the far left lane that the driver coming up behind them has no other lane to pass them in, and would force them to drop a lane.

i wish they taught common sense driving as well as rules of the road.
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      06-12-2008, 10:48 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by bling_singh View Post
i was having a talk with my dad about this yesterday. in England, undertaking is absolutely prohibited, and if you attempt it, other drivers on the road will let you know.

i think it's one thing that should be instituted here......making undertaking illegal....i know its one of the things you can't always catch, but what percentage of drivers going over 150 are caught? at the very least if people police one another, the public shame can be enough to correct poor practice (in a civil society at least) it would make things much safer if drivers could come into the slower lanes with the knowledge that they don't have to check their right blindspot in an emergency.......so long as drivers know not to stay in another's blindspot......which is something some idiot drivers over here still don't know to avoid.

it would also tell the slow as hell drivers in the far left lane that the driver coming up behind them has no other lane to pass them in, and would force them to drop a lane.

i wish they taught common sense driving as well as rules of the road.
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      06-12-2008, 11:01 AM   #51
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what should be looked at is what causes people in general to release their anger and frustration at other's once they get to their vehicles,as one of the members here stated, people feel invincible once they get behind the wheel and the cars become as if it was some sort of a weapon but there are many things that lead people to frustration and such because after all i'm pretty sure once u live in this town for couple of years u get use to all the bad roads and traffic and construction going on...
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      06-12-2008, 11:24 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Two Sheds View Post
I haven't seen any fisti-cuffs today, but coming home this evening I was driving north up the 404 with my wife and daughter. We were just entering the car pooling lane and it was pretty quiet and I had the cruise on at 130 and this guy was riding right on my ass so I just flash my brake lights a couple of times without really slowing down. He backs off a tad, then crosses the solid white line passes me, flips me the finger, overtakes the car in front of me then crosses the solid white line back into the car pooling lane and carries on just a tad faster than me and starts riding right on the guys ass a few cars ahead.

I'm trying to stay more relaxed and chilled in the car now and it really pisses me of when people don't leave enough space behind me, especially when I have my daughter in the car with me. Rather than get pissed off I was just glad he was off tailgating someone else and not me.
Tapping the brakes? you deserved the finger for that... have to say that is just wrong. There are alot of a**holes on the road and you became one by doing that. What's the upside??? Especially wth your family in the car...

Best thing you can do is like you said try and stay cool, can't control others around you.
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      06-12-2008, 01:05 PM   #53

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I don't know - he's just trying to protect himself and his family? Because he didn't really slow down, I don't think he did anything unsafe - after all, its not like he brake-checked the guy.

Plus he was going fast enough - I disagree - I don't think he did anything deserving of the finger. Now if he didn't move over from the carpool lane when he had an opportunity, then ok, different story.
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      06-12-2008, 05:38 PM   #54
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That's the problem - he was going fast enough for sure, but fast enough for him might not be fast enough for someone else. Who are we to monitor other people's speeds on the roads? We're not the police and we certainly aren't old men driving Buicks. If someone behind me wants to move faster, and I can safely move over and let them, I do...no matter how fast I am going.

I have a feeling this thread may end up as long as the Toronto Spotters thread.
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      06-12-2008, 10:08 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by sapphire335 View Post
Tapping the brakes? you deserved the finger for that... have to say that is just wrong. There are alot of a**holes on the road and you became one by doing that. What's the upside??? Especially wth your family in the car...

Best thing you can do is like you said try and stay cool, can't control others around you.
As I said I just tapped the brake pedal to flash the lights, I didn't do it hard enough to actually engage the brakes. Usually when someone is tailing me that close (less than a car length and we are doing 130ish kmh) I just pull over and let them pass, but I was in the car pooling lane so legally I couldn't.

I don't know what he hoped to achieve since he should be able to see we are in the car pooling lane so I can't pull over and let him pass. In the end it worked out well, he broke the law by pulling out of the car pooling lane so if there were any cops around or he caused an accident he's at fault and I no longer had him behind me. I can handle someone flipping me the finger, on occasion (not this one) I smile and wave back at them as I find that pisses them off even more.had to do an emergency stop and screw their insurance record.
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      06-13-2008, 06:09 PM   #56
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It's in the air... my friend's boyfriend's brand new Lancer randomly got egged by 2 girls.....when he confronted them, one of them said to him "you want to chop me, don't you?"

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      06-13-2008, 10:24 PM   #57
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What does that even mean? Unless it means "kill me with your bare hands for egging your car", then probably not.
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      06-13-2008, 10:54 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Mandy View Post
"you want to chop me, don't you?"
Maybe he had an axe in his hand while talking .... j/k
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      06-14-2008, 01:58 AM   #59

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Originally Posted by Two Sheds View Post
As I said I just tapped the brake pedal to flash the lights, I didn't do it hard enough to actually engage the brakes. Usually when someone is tailing me that close (less than a car length and we are doing 130ish kmh) I just pull over and let them pass, but I was in the car pooling lane so legally I couldn't.

I don't know what he hoped to achieve since he should be able to see we are in the car pooling lane so I can't pull over and let him pass. In the end it worked out well, he broke the law by pulling out of the car pooling lane so if there were any cops around or he caused an accident he's at fault and I no longer had him behind me. I can handle someone flipping me the finger, on occasion (not this one) I smile and wave back at them as I find that pisses them off even more.had to do an emergency stop and screw their insurance record.
That's what I do too and people just BACK OFF
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      06-14-2008, 12:16 PM   #60

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can't stand the drivers who don't understand the point of the solid double white lines is to prevent people from cutting in/out of the lane
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      08-08-2008, 11:23 AM   #61

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It's not any better in Vancouver. I used to live in Vancouver, and now I'm living in Northern Alberta for a few months in the Prairie, and there are not many cars around. I see a BMW once every 2 weeks or something here. Out of my 4 days in Vancouver, I had road rage incident 3 times.

Last week, I went back to vanc, and found out that road rage just got even worse. I was travelling in downtown in one-way street, and I wanted to make a left tern onto a two-way street. So I was waiting for all pedestrians to savely cross the street first, and I checked my left shoulder to check if there was still anyone waiting to cross. It was empty, so I let go off my brake, and started to push on the gas while suddenly, out of nowhere, a bicycle cut me from the right side, and it was really close till I had to slam on the brake again. So I honked him once, slowed down to show him that what he did was very stupid, and he gave me that middle finger. I'm pretty cool about it, and just let go, cuz it's just a matter of time before this old guy get hit by doing that.

I was travelling on a street at 50kmh, and I was like very close to an intersection. There was a line of cars wanting to make a left turn, then suddenly, one car just decided to switch lane to go straight. I had like 1.5 seconds of distance to brake so I had to swerve my car to the right to avoid hitting him. luckily, I always pay attention to my surrounding, so i knew that there was no car immediately to my right. I just honked him once to again show him that it was really a stupid move.

On the highway, I saw 2 cars tailgating behind a car that was travelling at 100 kmh. Well, these 2 cars switched to the right lane and cut him as if showing the slow guy who's tough. I know it's probably the guy's fault for travelling slower, but he was already doing 100 kmh. what was the point of cutting him off...
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      08-08-2008, 04:11 PM   #62
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i tailgate, brake-check, and hog the fast lane goin 98km/h..

maybe i'm the problem with toronto.. LOL
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      08-08-2008, 11:50 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by miraclewhip View Post
i tailgate, brake-check, and hog the fast lane goin 98km/h..

maybe i'm the problem with toronto.. LOL
Sounds like it.
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      08-09-2008, 09:51 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by miraclewhip View Post
i tailgate, brake-check, and hog the fast lane goin 98km/h..

maybe i'm the problem with toronto.. LOL
Originally Posted by picus View Post
Sounds like it.
+1 alex

Last edited by Soni; 08-09-2008 at 06:03 PM..
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      08-09-2008, 02:15 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by miraclewhip View Post
i tailgate, brake-check, and hog the fast lane goin 98km/h..

maybe i'm the problem with toronto.. LOL
Dude, you have a vanity plate... be careful...
MY07 A22 E90 N52Nxi
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